Royalty free indie rock music album

From £399.00

Indie rock music licence for film, video, tv, adverts, podcasts, games and more
MP3s: 10 - view details  |  Explicit: No  |  Vocals: No  |  Instrumentals: Yes  |  BPM: 100-140
Instant download: 77MB zip file/320kbps MP3s  |  Album run time: 40 minutes
License individual royalty free tracks

License individual tracks from £49 each

To license an individual track simply note the album name and track number (audible on the preview above) then place an order here.

Royalty free indie rock music video preview

Indie rock music video preview

Indie rock music track list

  1. Blindsided (Instrumental) | 3:48
  2. Sunbeam high (Instrumental) | 3:55
  3. East of Lyne (Instrumental) | 4:16
  4. Skylark rising (Instrumental) | 3:50
  5. My sunshine (Instrumental) | 4:16
  6. Anima (Instrumental) | 4:37
  7. Spark rhythm (Instrumental) | 3:39
  8. Those little things (Instrumental) | 5:09
  9. Star cloud (Instrumental) | 3:10
  10. Dancing on embers (Instrumental) | 4:22

Example indie rock music usage

Indie rock music video example

Indie rock music instrumentation

  • Choir
  • Chimes
  • Bells
  • Glockenspiel
  • Piano
  • Synths
  • Strings
  • Brass
  • Acoustic guitar
  • Electric guitar
  • Bass
  • Drums

Sounds like

Big Country, Coldplay, Travis, Embrace, Pearl Jam, Mumford and Sons, Counting Crows, Of Monsters and Men, The Fray, Eagle Eye Cherry

© | All Rights Reserved. This royalty free indie rock music album is licensed, not sold, under a Standard or Premium Royalty Free Licence, and unauthorised registration, uploading, streaming, sharing, broadcasting, public performance, copying, rerecording, remixing, reuse, redistribution or resale is illegal.

Standard licence usage

£49 per MP3 or £399 per album, saving £91

A standard royalty free music licence grants the licence holder repeated use of the music within any not-for-profit advert-free projects that do not generate any revenue.

  • Non-promotional non-commercial business activities such as DVD/video tutorials, training media or support slideshows.
  • Non-commercial educational media, websites or elearning tools.
  • Customer service on hold music.
  • Background music in a gym, café, or bar.
  • Any charitable organisation or activity.
  • Non-commercial personal use.
  • Not suitable for any commercial use
  • Not suitable for Twitch; search "Scambler" on Pretzel to use DMCA safe music on Twitch.

Any doubts, check the FAQs or get in touch.

Premium licence usage

£199 per MP3 or £1599 per album, saving £391

A premium royalty free music licence grants the licence holder repeated use of the music within any for-profit projects that generate any revenue either directly or indirectly.

  • Any advertising, promotional or marketing media used either online or offline.
  • Placement in any broadcast or streamed media, such as radio, TV or video on demand.
  • Placement in any distributed media, such as films, DVDs, videos, podcasts or audiobooks.
  • Use in social media videos, such as Vimeo, YouTube, Coub, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok.
  • Placement in any software, games or apps.
  • Not suitable for Twitch; search "Scambler" on Pretzel to use DMCA safe music on Twitch.

Any doubts, check the FAQs or get in touch.

Illegal usage

All music is copyrighted and is licensed, not sold

Regardless of the type of royalty free music licence purchased it is illegal to:

  • Claim licensed music as your own or transfer the license to another party.
  • Sell, relicense, transfer, distribute, share or otherwise give away licensed music.
  • Register music with YouTube CID/UGC or the Facebook Rights Manager Service.
  • Register or stream licensed music on any music streaming platform.
  • Sample, remix or otherwise reproduce licensed music.
  • Rerelease, redistribute or otherwise republish licensed music.
  • Use in Twitch streams; search "Scambler" on Pretzel to use DMCA safe music on Twitch.

Any doubts, check this guide or get in touch.